Hey gang! I know it's been a month or so since I've posted here at Let's Anime and I don't want you to think I've forgotten about you, or classic anime, or blogging, or anything. Because I haven't! What I *have* been doing is a lot of boring grownup life type stuff; working, laundry, inking comics, digging my car out of the snow, screening Flying Phantom Ship at Toronto's Eyesore Cinema, and generally living my best life. I've also been working on the next Let's Anime piece and it'll be coming your way shortly.
But first, I wanted to give you a heads up on what I'm going to be up to next month at Anime North! That's right, Canada's number one anime convention is back for its 22nd year of Japanese cartoon fun and frivolity, and I'll be there in the thick of it presenting panels and events solo and with my pals.
Anime Hell is back for another two hours of short-form cartoon audio visual confusion, the hallmark of late nights at anime shows in two nations. If it's funny or outrageous or heart-clutchingly well animated, well, it might make it into Hell.
Saturday at 1 I'm talking about one of my favorite anime series of all time, Cyborg 009! Clips from every single 009 anime iteration will bring this manga classic to life, and if you're lucky I might just show off some of my vintage Cyborg 009 merch.
At 4pm on Saturday, the team of Ashley, Greg and myself will be holding forth on what anime fandom was like in the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, the 00s, and now! It'll be a free-ranging discussion on topics as varied as laserdiscs, the proper use of the S.A.S.E., what exactly a "Cartoon Fantasy Organization" was, and more nostalgia than you can throw a VHS tape at. And you will!
Saturday night settle in with anime expert Neil Nadelman as he brings you yet another chapter in the stirring saga of Totally Lame Anime! Cheap, shoddy, incoherent, sloppy work from some of the world's least competent animators is made to look even worse when we consider how much we enjoy most other Japanese animation. Well, nobody bats a thousand, I guess.
Sunday morning at 11 haul yourself away from your brunch mimosa and head on over to immerse yourself in the world of Japanese cartoons based on Western literature! From beloved children's classics to trashy pulp fiction, anime has long availed itself of the deep well of American, European, and Middle Eastern writing. Find out if YOUR favorite anime was actually a book you ignored in the school library!
Sunday afternoon don't let the convention end without remembering to attend Dubs Time Forgot! Mike "Bananya" Toole and myself will be examining weird English-language versions of Japanese properties that have been lost, abandoned, ignored, and in some cases deliberately suppressed.
And that's my Anime North this year! There's a great slate of events and panels all weekend long that I have nothing to do with, too! See you there, that's Anime North, May 24-26 2019!
One more thing; if you enjoy Let's Anime and my other creative works, like my comic Zero Fighter and the popular, slightly mocking, perhaps sometimes a tad mean-spirited work at Stupid Comics, or the comics and animation work of my partner Shaindle Minuk, well, Mister Kitty has a Patreon now whereby you can help support us and our work in the vital fields of cartoons and comics and sometimes making fun of cartoons and comics.
That's all for now, thanks for reading and stay tuned for more Let's Anime!
-Dave M
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